Wednesday, 31 December 2008

The More Benefits of Pilates Exercises

- The Pilates Principles - were created by Joseph Pilates to condition the entire body which includes proper alignment, concentration, precision, flowing movement, centering,
control and breathing.

The program’s main focus is on the core postural muscles. These help to keep the body balanced, and these muscles also help to provide support for the spine.

In case you are not quite convinced here are some benefits that you will reap by doing Pilates workouts.

- A wholesome mind-body workout - When you do Pilates, your mind becomes tuned in with your body. Are become acutely aware of where your body is in space, how it feels and how you will control its movement.

With Pilates you are looking for quality movements, not quantity. Proper breathing is essential and when done properly it can be a great stress reducer.

- Gain long, lean muscles as well as flexibility - When doing a conventional workout, you tend to build bulky, short muscles. With Pilates muscle elasticity as well as joint mobility is improved. There is less of a chance for an injury to occur.

- Develop an evenly conditioned body - With regular workouts, weak muscles will only tend to weaken and the strong muscles will get stronger. This results in muscular imbalance which is a primary cause of chronic back pain and of injury.

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With Pilates, your body’s entire musculature is evenly conditioned and balanced.

- Learn efficient patterns of motion - The Pilates exercises concentrate on training several muscle groups at once while making smooth, continuous movements. If you develop the proper technique, you can retrain your body to more in safer and more efficient patterns of motion.

One interpretation of the Pilates exercises is that it is similar to yoga.

Mind over matter - The central focus of Pilates is to create a blending of mind and body.

The body will move with grace, economy and balance without even thinking about it. The goal is to produce the union of mind and body that is totally attention-free.

Breathing - Through proper breathing the blood is able to work properly, that is, it circulates to every cell in the body and carries away waste related to fatigue.

You can be assured that a full and thorough inhalation as well as exhalation are part of each Pilates exercise. Breathing should also be done with control, concentration and precision.

Centering - The very large muscle group that is found in the center of one’s body is called the -powerhouse-. All of the energy for the Pilates exercises begins from this powerhouse and flows toward the extremities.

Concentration - Pilates demands intense concentration or focus. The beginner learns to pay special attention to his or her body, building on small and delicate fundamental movements as well as controlled breathing.

Control - The Pilates method is built on the premise of muscle control. That means that each Pilates exercise must be performed with utmost control. This will help avoid injury and produce beneficial results.

Precision - Each movement in a Pilates exercise has a purpose. No detail should be left out. The focus is to do one precise and perfect movement and not many halfhearted ones.

These are just several of the benefits that you will receive by doing Pilates exercises using proper techniques.

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Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:

Valuable Pilates Exercise Tips for Successful Weight Management

Joseph Pilates believed that our mental and physical health are all intertwined. His exercise program was designed around principles that support his philosophy.

These include concentration, control, flowing movements, precision and breathing.

In order for you to get the maximum benefit from your Pilates workout, you may want to keep the following tips in mind:

- Stay focused . - Pilates was designed so that your breathing rhythm combines with your body movements. Qualified Pilates instructors will teach you ways to keep the rhythm of your
breathing in sync with the exercises.

You will also be instructed to keep your mind on your muscles and exactly what you are doing. Pilates main goal is to unite your mind with your body. This helps to relieve
anxiety and stress.

- Be comfortable . - Be sure to wear comfortable clothes and bear in mind that Pilates is typically done without shoes. If you start to feel uncomfortable, experience pain or feel strained then it is time to stop.

- Let it flow . - As you perform your Pilates exercises you should avoid any quick, jerky movements. Each movement should be slow, but it should still be strong and flexible.

Joseph Pilates worked with dancers so it was his aim that the movements would flow like a dance.

- Put your heart into it . - One of the nice things about doing Pilates is that you don’t even have to break a sweat.

However, you can choose to work the exercises quickly in an effort to increase your heart rate, but at all times keeping the movements fluid.

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Since Pilates is mainly about strength and flexibility, you may wish to pair your Pilates workout with an aerobic exercise such as brisk walking or swimming.

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The exercises help you develop core control while integrating the pelvis, trunk and should girdle.

Pilates will do the following for you:

- It will help build strength without -bulking up-.

- It will increase flexibility and agility.

- You will develop optimal core control.

- It will help create flat abs, slender thighs as well as a
strong back.

- It is a refreshing workout of the mind and body.

- Pilates is challenging yet safe.

There are two basic ways to exercise doing Pilates. You can either focus on mat exercises or you can use a variety of machines to strengthen and tone the body using the principle of resistance

Use the Best-Kept and Best-Selling Collection of EFFECTIVE DIETS & FITNESS eBOOKS to Build a Healthy and Fit Body, Reduce Your Stress, and Bring Lost Opportunities Back to Life...

Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:

So, you want to learn Pilates at Home?

Pilates is a body conditioning method that seeks to build strength, coordination, flexibility and endurance without adding any muscle bulk.

If you stick with Pilates faithfully, it will dramatically change the way your body feels, looks and performs.

Pilates builds strength without having to worry about excess bulk. It will create a sleek, toned body that has a flat abdomen and slender thighs.

Pilates teaches good posture, body awareness and easy, graceful movements. It will improve you agility, flexibility and economy of motion.

It can also help to relieve back pain. Professional dancers have been using Pilates for decades.

Many of your top athletes use it for flexibility, strength and injury prevention. Supermodels and Hollywood celebrities use it Pilates to maintain beautiful bodies.

Pilates enthusiasts all across the globe are enjoying their workouts in a place that almost seemed to be absurd until recently - at home.

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It used to be that a person had to go to a high-end studio or a health club to take part in Pilates. Also, the equipment was too expensive, big and bulky to drag home.

Here is something that changed everything - mat workouts. The home users first discovered that Pilates mat videos and various DVDs were able to give them refreshing full body

You are able to be very flexible when doing Pilates are home. There are no schedules that you have to meet. You will have to have a certain amount of self-discipline to be able to set aside a block of time for three sessions a week.

The exercises help you develop core control while integrating the pelvis, trunk and should girdle.

Pilates will do the following for you:

- It will help build strength without -bulking up-.

- It will increase flexibility and agility.

- You will develop optimal core control.

- It will help create flat abs, slender thighs as well as a strong back.

- It is a refreshing workout of the mind and body.

- Pilates is challenging yet safe.

Before you begin a Pilates program in your home, it is highly recommended that you take a couple of classes in order to familiarize yourself with the Pilates exercises.

You want to develop good techniques of movement and breathing, and these are best demonstrated and explained by a qualified instructor.

You will want to begin your Pilates exercises on a floor mat. They are popular for two main reasons:

- They are inexpensive.

- The space needed to store a mat is minimal.

You will find a wealth of videos and DVDs to choose from. Many of them include variations that will accommodate beginners as well as advanced students of Pilates.

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Some of them will include exercises where you will have to use small inexpensive accessories like rollers and rings. This will add interest and variety to your workout.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

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Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or ...You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:

Recession Survival - How to Make More Money Online

Earning money online nowadays is not like it was before. It is much harder to do and you also need to double the amount of work you usually do in order to earn some extra cash. The reason for this is that there are more people doing the same thing as you and more competition means more division of potential consumers.

The online business community is gaining popularity all over the world because of the passive or residual income it promises.

Network marketing is also popular these days. Through this type of business, you will simply have to recruit and sell, most often through emails. This is a great opportunity and you don’t have to meet your downlines or customers because they can come from different parts of the world. You will only communicate with them online. However, you should be aware that there
are also scams or illegal businesses on the internet.

By doing an in-depth search, you can stay away from scammers and do business with only the reputable and experienced ones. When the business is experiencing success, you will soon notice that residual income is starting to roll in.

The first is by becoming an online stock or FOREX trader. Thanks to the power of the internet, the stock market and the FOREX market have made available for everyone to trade.

Also, you don’t even need to have hundreds of thousands of dollars in order for you to start investing in the stock market or even in the FOREX market. With a few hundred dollars, you can start trading.

Today, you will see that there are quite a lot of online stock and FOREX brokerage websites that offer online stock or FOREX trading. What you need to do is sign up with the website, open an account, invest a minimum amount of money, and start trading.

You can also try affiliate programs to earn passive or residual income. In this particular business opportunity, you don’t have to think of a new product or service because the affiliate company will provide it to you. You will simply have to market their products/service through your own affiliate site and you will receive commissions for it. The harder you work, the more income you can expect. You must know more about SEO and keyword search so that you can effectively promote your affiliate site. Keep the site updated at all times to avoid loosing customers.

All these things can happen right at the comforts of your own home. As you can see, you don’t need to be on the market floor to trade, and you don’t even have to own a multinational company to do so. With a computer with an active internet connection and some money to
invest, you will be able to start trading stocks or currency.

Another type of online business that can ensure income and a good amount of it is by being a call center agent. Most companies today are now outsourcing their call centers or their help desk. In fact, some companies even outsource it to individuals who have computers with active internet connection in their homes. If you want to make some extra cash but you can’t leave home to work for some reason, then becoming an outsourced call center agent will be the right online job for you.

Another new way to make money online is by becoming a blogger. Many companies today are now trying to outsource man power because it is a lot cheaper and more efficient to do so. Besides, by outsourcing things that are not really that vital for the company, you will be able to free up more office space that can be used for things that are vital for the survival of
the company, such as expanding the research and development department.

Bloggers are one of the positions that companies today outsource. Although it is not really an important part of the company, you have to remember that many people today are now visiting the World Wide Web. Even if a company is already well known and has a steady flow of consumers, you have to remember that they will do whatever it takes in order to get more people to buy from them. So, because people are constantly visiting the internet today, companies will hire bloggers to write about their products and posting it on various websites that are owned by the company.

The great thing about being a blogger is that the pay is actually quite good, and you will be able to work right at the comforts of your own home.

Reaching out to more people is another strategy that can help you make more money in your online business. Try to advertise as much as you can. Get people to subscribe in your website, and once they do and you get a hold of their contact information, always send them newsletters about your online business and the new products you are offering.

These are some of the new forms of income making strategies from the internet. With these things, you can be sure that you will earn more money from your online business and also make it more successful.

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Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen

Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

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