Saturday, 10 May 2008

Should you make the decision about your life partner based on astrology?

Everyone who’s read a really good astrological profile of himself/herself.

Even if you’re not a believer that the position of the planets at the exact time of your birth is an indicator of your personality and can determine events that happen to your throughout your lifetime, you’ve certainly met someone who does believe.

Does your astrological sign really have anything to do with who your ideal mate is. Or who can be the best friend for you. Technically speaking, your rising sign, or ascendant, reflects the zodiac sign that was ascending on the Eastern horizon at the moment you took your first breath in this world. This is why an exact birth time is so vital to finding your accurate rising sign. Located on the cusp of the first house of your astrological chart -- or at the nine o'clock position -- the rising sign can exert an influence almost as powerful as your Sun and Moon signs.

If you were to think of your Sun sign as your soul -- your inner personality and potential -- and your Moon sign as your heart -- your emotional core -- then you could say that your rising sign is your physical self or the face you present to the world.

The stars can provide much insight about ourselves, including how, when, and with whom we are most likely to fall in love. Of course, astrology is not destiny, so while the one you love may not be a classic match for you in astrological terms, that doesn't mean all is lost. By understanding the universal forces that attract you to your lover, you can learn how to make any relationship work, and better understand your own self in the process.

But... consider how accurate your own horoscope is. There are similarities among many of them, but find the resource that best describes YOU. Then use that same resource to do a little research on your beloved. You certainly don’t have to reject someone because he’s "gasp" a Fire sign and you’re a Water sign.

You can really go into detail about the ideal zodiac mate for you, but it’s hard enough to find someone, isn’t it. So don’t walk away from that Water or Earth guy/lady. Use your knowledge to understand him/her. Maybe you need to borrow some tips from Air or Earth to help manage the communications between the two of you or to help resolve conflicts.

There are many really good books and Web sites to help you figure out the details of your zodiac match. Do a little research. And make it fun!


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So should you make the decision about your life partner based on astrology. Well, it doesn’t hurt to do some dispassionate examination before taking such a big step. While you might not want to reject someone on the basis of his birth date, a good horoscope CAN help you out with some clues to his or her nature that you might not pick up on all by yourself. And when they do something that completely mystifies you, perhaps a little basic knowledge of astrology will help you decipher what’s going on and help you communicate better. And that’s never a bad thing, no matter what resource you’re using for better communication.

Astrology isn’t used to predict the future. It’s used to help you gain insight and understanding into the patterns and directions your life takes. It’s not an absolute, but it’s an indicator. If you don’t like what your astrological or natal charts tell you, it’s certainly within your power to change it. Astrology can give you insight into one potential destiny, but there are too many variables, including the decisions you make for yourself, to predict with any degree of accuracy what will happen in the future.

Maybe Shakespeare had something there when he wrote in Hamlet: "There is nothing so costly as something you get for nothing."

The best tip is this: to enjoy every moment and to get to know and eventually grow in love without the pressure of making everything the way you only want it to be.
Who knows? With this confidence, you will finally meet the lifetime partner you have been waiting for. Everyone loves a challenge and it’s an easy way to flirt and start to get to know someone. So learn more about each other and have fun while you’re at it.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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